Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Winter Wonderland

On Friday morning I was all prepared for my 11:00 flight back to Unalakleet. While waiting for my flight I visited with students and at 11:00 I was informed that the plane was on weather hold in UNK. That didn't surprise me since the weather in Koyuk was turning very snowy and windy! At 1:00 I found out that the school in UNK closed due to the blizzard. At that point I was told I would most likely be staying in Koyuk because of the high winds in UNK. When it was confirmed that I would not be flying home until Saturday, I decided to make the best of my time and go out for one more snowshoe adventure. Mandy and Berry (Jeni's dog) were brave enough to venture out into the blizzard with me.